Tuesday, April 27, 2010

KHSU Concert Coming Up!

Local community public radio station KHSU is about to celebrate its 50th anniversary with a jazz show highlighting its many years of jazz programing.

The show takes place on Friday, May 7th.

Tickets are available online at KHSU.ORG.

There is a $1.99 service fee for an on-line ticket purchase, but this is a very convenient way to get a ticket ahead of time.

Tickets are also available at local shops: the Co-Op, the Works, Wildwood Music, and Fortuna Music Mart.

Performers are Darius Brotman and Friends with Juanita Harris, Shao Way Wu’s combo, and a group of HSU student musicians called Flannel Potato Bug.

Tickets are $10 in advance, and there are only 150 seats, so door tickets may be limited.

Also of interest: free hors d’oeuvres with ticket. Wine will be for sale (and sales of which benefits the museum).

Doors open at 6, show starts at 7.

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